GJA demands recall of embattled GBC Director-General

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) is calling for the immediate recall of ‘suspended’ Director-General of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Dr. Kwame Akuffo Annof-Ntow.
According to the GJA, it is of the belief that the governing board of GBC overstepped its powers since it was not the appointing the authority.
The Association in a statement urged the National Media Commission to invoke its powers and recall the Director General, Dr Annof – Ntow, who was asked to proceed on leave by the Board because he acted without regard to the structures of the state broadcaster in the TV license prosecution mater.
Earlier this week, the governing Board of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), asked Dr. Akuffo Annof-Ntow to proceed on leave with immediate effect.
The directive according to the Board Chairman of GBC, Reverend Professor Emmanuel Addo-Obeng, was agreed upon on Monday, January 15, 2018.
He explained in an interview on Radio Ghana that the decision follows the Director-General’s handling of the TV license issue.
The decision to ask Mr. Annof-Ntow to vacate his position came at a time when he had come under fire for getting the Chief Justice to set up some 11 courts nationwide to prosecute defaulters of TV license fees.
The expected prosecution of defaulters was subsequently suspended following an earlier directive by the GBC board.
When asked how long the Director-General is supposed to be on leave, Professor Addo-Obeng said, “All this will depend on consultation with NMC.”
“We are going to immediately engage NMC to discuss a whole lot of issues affecting GBC and the future of the state broadcaster,” he added.
According to the GBC Board Chairman, one board member and two directors of the GBC are supposed to steer the affairs of the state broadcaster until the issues are ironed out.
The Ghana Journalists Association in its statement “appeals to the NMC, to as a matter urgency, intervene in the developments at GBC and recall the Director-General from leave. The NMC as an independent constitutional body has the prerogative to take its own decision.”
Source: citifmonline.com
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